free gift


Whether your organization is large or small, near or far, The Sister Project would like to help you reach women and their children for Jesus.

Our help will come in the form of prayer for all grant applicants, exposure of your organization to potential volunteers/supporters, and monetary grants for some.

Concerning monetary grants, The Sister Project desires to reward:

1.  Ministries that are Christian-based

2.  Ministries that function as 501(c)(3) non-profits

3.  Ministries that are positively impacting the lives of women and their children

4.  Ministries that incorporate evangelism into their outreach efforts

5.  Ministries with innovative programs designed to identify and/or meet the spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological and/or financial needs of women and their children

If your ministry meets these criteria, please apply for our 2025 Grant at

Also, if you have any questions about the criteria for applicants, please email us at

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